Sunday, January 11, 2015

Video Slideshow

Hey guys! So this is my first official blog on here... hope I'm doing it right! I don't know exactly how I'm supposed to start so I guess I'll just jump right to it.

My original idea for this blog was to record a song I wrote and put pictures to it-like a slideshow. Unfortunately my webcam disagreed with my idea and did not work very well. So, I took a webcam I bought a long time ago for Skype and hooked it up to the laptop. (It had its own microphone.) It worked much better than the other one but the microphone would not work. For hours I tried to get it to work but it still refused to cooperate. So I was stuck and didn't know what I wanted to do next.

It then occurred to me, I like making videos in general. So at the last minute, I pieced the same photos I was going to use and put them into a slideshow to another song. This song has a lot of background with the people in the pictures because we were going to make a video before I left, and use that song. We tried so many combination of clips with different songs and this song was the one that stood out to us. So, we got together and began filming. Of course, we never finished filming for two reasons. One- I moved (of course,) Two- My computer got "infected" with a virus and shut down permanently.

The original idea was just me and a guitar. But since the song is about friendship, I thought I paste pictures to go with it. I still feel a little guilty for not being able to fix the issue with the microphone, so I've pasted the words down below.

Just so you know, this is not what I plan on doing for my future blogs. I will try to resolve the issue somehow by next weekend and upload a video of me singing either this song, or another one I wrote. So here's the video I made!! I really hope you enjoy. It took me a while to piece it together (I'm a perfectionist), so please let me know what you think! The words to the song are under it.

Verse One
We are extraordinary
Special Unique Amazing
Now it's time to see what we can do
We are two of a kind
Ask anyone at any time
They'll say that when it's me and you
That no matter what we'll always be there for each other
No matter which way we go
So let's go swimming in that vast blue ocean
We'll always find our way back home
Verse Two
We'll always love each other
Even when we hate the other
Cause we know we'll come around somehow
I'll help when you're in need
You'll be there for me when I bleed
Even when we have our ups and downs


You've seen the side of me that no one else can see
I know the things about you that no one else can be
And when you combine it all
We always know we'll never fall
Even when we think we're falling down


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