Friday, April 3, 2015

Wings of an Angel

This song is another one I wrote.

I wrote this song for my best friend Ainsley. She found out that a family member was suffering from cancer, and felt the need to tell me and one other person [she went to school with]. Well, that other person felt she had to go and tell one other person. That person went and told everyone at school. People started calling her names like "slut" and "attention whore" because she supposedly was doing it all for attention. At first, I had a hard time believing it, so I actually got ahold of a number that belonged to one of the main people behind it. I told them that I am her best friend and she is bothering Ainsley with her actions. I told her that I hate to see my sister (we consider ourselves to practically be sisters) in such pain.

At first, this girl came back saying "Oh you're just trying to ruin mine and Ainsley's 'good friendship'." I made it very clear that what she is doing is not a good friendship, and that in fact it's not a friendship at all. When it gets to that point, you might as well call it a rivalry. I told her she needs to (and I quote) "Stop bullying Ainsley because what you are doing is not friendly. This is hateful. It breaks my heart to see her go through this. It's bad enough that she's going through family troubles. But of course you had to add onto that." She immediately came back to me saying (again I quote) "I don't care anything about what you have to say. You're a b**ch and she's a b**ch and I'm going to talk to that slut." At that point, I got Ainsley's permission to ask our "third sister", Amelia, to help fight the battle.

Amelia is much closer to me than she is with Ainsley, but she didn't mind stepping in to help We like calling ourselves the "3-muskateers". We are all a close bunch, and it's pretty rare that you see one or us without the other two (at least before I moved). Ainsley said it was okay to tell Amelia, because we all trust each other. I gave her the account name and she immediately agreed to help out. She told this person [pretty much] the same thing I did. Except Amelia has a more "graceful" way with words to get her point across. (That was sarcasm.) This is why Ainsley agreed to let her jump in.

Of course, and I told Ainsley this, a bully will continue to bully until you show them you no longer care. Ainsley saw no point in this, so of course it kept on going. I also told her an old saying, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." Now I'm not saying Ainsley has earned nor deserved it, and I'm not definitely implying that those people can pick on her. But I'm merely suggesting that it will die down once she shows them it doesn't matter what they think.

I haven't heard anything of the matter in the past few months; not since about a month after I moved to Auburn. But while the whole event was still at it's climax, I wrote this song for her. Most of the song (up until after the bridge) is in first person because it's supposed to sound as if the words were coming from her mouth. It's supposed to sound like she's the one singing it; the words are from her perspective. But after the bridge, it goes into a more intense, third person view. In other words, they are from my point of view. It'll be easier to understand once you see the video.

Always remember that no matter the given circumstances, you are loved, and that you will "fly away on the wings of an angel."

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