Sunday, April 12, 2015


I used an online program and my audio editor to make this. I thought it would be cool to do something a bit different. I came up with most of this. I used a LEGAL online system that's like dubstep but easier to use (for me, anyway).

I used different sounds and instrument recordings that was available for me to use and produced it myself. The main melody I didn't write... I "re-created" it.... I guess you could say.But I did come up with the rest of it.

The melody was already programmed into the software so I didn't steal it illegally and nor did I sample it from another song.

The link is below.



Friday, April 3, 2015

Wings of an Angel

This song is another one I wrote.

I wrote this song for my best friend Ainsley. She found out that a family member was suffering from cancer, and felt the need to tell me and one other person [she went to school with]. Well, that other person felt she had to go and tell one other person. That person went and told everyone at school. People started calling her names like "slut" and "attention whore" because she supposedly was doing it all for attention. At first, I had a hard time believing it, so I actually got ahold of a number that belonged to one of the main people behind it. I told them that I am her best friend and she is bothering Ainsley with her actions. I told her that I hate to see my sister (we consider ourselves to practically be sisters) in such pain.

At first, this girl came back saying "Oh you're just trying to ruin mine and Ainsley's 'good friendship'." I made it very clear that what she is doing is not a good friendship, and that in fact it's not a friendship at all. When it gets to that point, you might as well call it a rivalry. I told her she needs to (and I quote) "Stop bullying Ainsley because what you are doing is not friendly. This is hateful. It breaks my heart to see her go through this. It's bad enough that she's going through family troubles. But of course you had to add onto that." She immediately came back to me saying (again I quote) "I don't care anything about what you have to say. You're a b**ch and she's a b**ch and I'm going to talk to that slut." At that point, I got Ainsley's permission to ask our "third sister", Amelia, to help fight the battle.

Amelia is much closer to me than she is with Ainsley, but she didn't mind stepping in to help We like calling ourselves the "3-muskateers". We are all a close bunch, and it's pretty rare that you see one or us without the other two (at least before I moved). Ainsley said it was okay to tell Amelia, because we all trust each other. I gave her the account name and she immediately agreed to help out. She told this person [pretty much] the same thing I did. Except Amelia has a more "graceful" way with words to get her point across. (That was sarcasm.) This is why Ainsley agreed to let her jump in.

Of course, and I told Ainsley this, a bully will continue to bully until you show them you no longer care. Ainsley saw no point in this, so of course it kept on going. I also told her an old saying, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." Now I'm not saying Ainsley has earned nor deserved it, and I'm not definitely implying that those people can pick on her. But I'm merely suggesting that it will die down once she shows them it doesn't matter what they think.

I haven't heard anything of the matter in the past few months; not since about a month after I moved to Auburn. But while the whole event was still at it's climax, I wrote this song for her. Most of the song (up until after the bridge) is in first person because it's supposed to sound as if the words were coming from her mouth. It's supposed to sound like she's the one singing it; the words are from her perspective. But after the bridge, it goes into a more intense, third person view. In other words, they are from my point of view. It'll be easier to understand once you see the video.

Always remember that no matter the given circumstances, you are loved, and that you will "fly away on the wings of an angel."

Monday, February 16, 2015


This is another song that I wrote.

This is by far one of the most important songs to me, because I feel like several people can relate to it. I wrote this a few days ago while reflecting back on being bullied last year. I won't go into much detail about it, but I will say this song is very close to my heart.

I wrote this song on guitar and on piano (as I do with most of my songs), so if you'd like the chords and/or the piano music, I have extra copies, so just ask and I will give it to you. I used a free online program to type out sheet music. (It looks hard, but you could easily learn the piano parts, even without the music.)

Please let me know what you think! If you'd like, I have the ability to remix piano and guitar together, so maybe that could be my video for next week. The link is down below!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Mama Mocha's

Okay so this is a pretty big deal for me. It's the first gig I've ever really done anywhere. I've sang at churches several times, but never a real "gig."

I found out I would be doing this Tuesday. I was pretty nervous, because it was pretty last minute. But I know several songs that aren't mine, so I put together a list of what songs I did and in which order I did them in. I didn't want to use any of mine because most of them are very piano-oriented. Coming home from school everyday, it was the first thing I'd do. I'd do one quick run-through of all of the songs, and then practice the ones that I needed to work on harder.

My dad took me to Spicer's on Thursday to get new strings. (I had mine for several months which doesn't give it a very good sound. When you tune a guitar, it either tightens or loosens the strings, to give it the right pitch. When you do this, it stretches the strings out and over time causes it to give it a dull sound. So, depending on the type of strings, you're really supposed to change them every other month or so. I had mine for almost a year) He let me get a new strap, because my other one broke.

Here are the songs in order:

Roar- Katy Perry
Blank Space- Taylor Swift
A Thousand Years- Christina Perri
Sirens- Cher Lloyd
E.T.- Katy Perry
Hey Jude- The Beatles

Here is the link! It's a thirty minute gig (give or take), so it's a long video. But please enjoy! Let me know how you think I did! Thanks so much!
Sara Greer Mama Mochas 2 08 15

Friday, January 30, 2015

This week, I've decided to do something a little outside the box. I was going to be uploading another song, but my microphone (obviously) is still having some issues. So, instead I'm uploading a video that was already made.

About a year ago, I had my neighbors Camryn and Jaycie for the day. We were out on the swings in my yard, and I remembered I had just got a new camera. So I went inside and grabbed it, and when I came back they were playing "Wrecking Ball" by Miley Cyrus. (This was when the song was all over the radio.)

The particular swing we had in the yard was one that spins around a lot. We had always called it our "wrecking ball". So we came up with the idea to make a funny video of us lip-singing to the song. The original idea was to upload it to YouTube, but we completely forgot about it.

I was going through some old pictures that were on an old disk a couple weeks ago, and found the clips. I quickly put them together using Movie Maker and uploaded them to YouTube. So, of course, I quickly sent the links to all my friends and uploaded a small amount of it to my Instagram, saying to go watch it. Everyone gave me pretty good feedback, except my friend Avery who had "no words".

Although the entire thing is cute, it doesn't get really funny until towards the end (the bridge), so I ask that you PLEASE watch the entire video and don't turn it off early.

Camryn is the girl with the brown hair, Jaycie is the one who's a little short, and I'm in a black shirt.

Please share this video and ENJOY!!!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Why do I bother

Hey y'all... I'm back for another blog. This song is another I wrote called "Why do I bother". Here's what it's about.

Several months ago, a good friend of my turned their back on me and began to gossip about me, and to completely shut me out. I wrote a different song about it at the time, but was going through the lyrics about a month ago and thought to myself, these words aren't very good. (All my friends liked them, but I had just felt they weren't mature enough.) So I wrote a different song about the exact same thing, just different words and melody. I feel like these lyrics are much better than the previous ones.

Of course, all of the drama has been sorted out now-we're good friends today. But I will go through a little bit of what happened.

I met this person when I first moved to Norman (I was in fifth grade at the time). He was the first to really be outgoing towards me and be friendly. We quickly became good friends. However, he was a grade under me so when I went into the youth group program he stayed behind. After he came into the youth group (my seventh grade year),we began to catch up because we hadn't seen each other hardly at all. However, people began noticing, "Hey, she's a girl and he's a boy... that means they are dating." So they started to tease us. It wasn't bad at first, but to avoid any serious drama we didn't talk in public much. We mainly talked over the phone. Of course, people found out about our silly conversations and it began to get very inappropriate. At this point it just gets foggy to me but my understanding of his side is that he didn't want to put up with it and for me to be embarrassed so he stopped associating with me entirely. We eventually told our youth pastor (I was homeschool at the time and this was at a church) who cleaned it up. People stopped teasing him about it, but they continued to tease me, it just was more "innocent" this time. We still did not see each other much but we did talk over the phone still frequently. However, a few moths later, he completely disassociated with me and never made it clear why. I wrote the first song and sent him some of the words as a protest to get him to answer. Just to shut me up, he accused me of being "rude" and "immature", which honestly he IS the most immature person on this earth. It all eventually (slowly) cleared up. However I think the only reason he stopped is because he found out I was moving here, and he didn't want to ruin his "perfect image". But we still talk a decent amount and have both dropped it.

The only reason I wrote this song, was because I wanted a more mature and "updated" version of the song. The other one still exists, if asked to do so I might upload it. Also I can write a song for someone, if just given a topic.

The link is below:

Monday, January 19, 2015

With me

Hey guys I'm back for my second blog. This time, I've got it down. My microphone isn't perfect, but it's better than last time. It is buzzing a bit, but you should be able to understand and hear clearly. And just so you know, I'm still recovering from losing my voice a couple weeks ago... so I'm flat in a few spots. My voice is always a bit strange this time of year anyway. But it'll go away soon.

Basically, in this video, I'm just sitting at my piano playing and singing. The camera is on top of it, so that's probably why the sound is buzzing a little. I was going to just paste the lyrics under the video but I decided to just paste them on the screen.

To me, songs are stories. When I write a song, I always have a reason. My lyrics are like my own little diary. If I'm upset or sad, I'll write a song about why I'm upset. If I'm frustrated, I'll write a song about it. Of course, when I'm writing a song, I'm usually not going to use names or any direct content. A good song has good poetry. It includes images and metaphors that are clever, but at the same time, you get the message of the song. Second, you have to, of course, put a catchy melody to the words. The tempo has to correspond with the lyrics. You can't write a song about being mad at someone to a slow tempo. If you, for example, wanted to tell the story of going through a breakup, and you wanted it to a slower tempo, most likely your best option would be a message like, "I don't deserve this and I'm sad about it". It's like how horror and comedy. They're both good, but the result usually isn't what you hoped for.

This song is called "With me". It could be interpreted several ways. One might hear it and think, "Oh, this song is about going through a breakup and waiting for your perfect match." Another might think it's about being happy to find someone to love, and then losing them. Again, this song is a story. I wrote it literally last week. I had caught the melody and had the idea immediately to go with it. I came up with some words off the top of my head and when I got home, I wrote them down. I came up with the rest of the words and melodies on the piano.

I wrote it because when I first moved to Norman, I had a hard time finding friends, and it's basically talking about how I'm looking back on it, and how I'm glad I won't feel like that again. It goes on to talk about how I moved here. The metaphor is "my spirits are still shattered" but "I'm breathing and doing my best". The message here is that we may not be able to see each other, but we can make it through. The bridge then specifically uses the metaphors to say, we're both unhappy but we can see each other inside. It says that we will just continue to waste our time until we realize that we will always have each other in our hearts.

Anyway, I'll stop blabbing because I know this is getting long. The link is down below! The words are on the screen with it. Please let me know what you think! This is by far one of my favorites I've written and I'd like you to just give me your opinion! Enjoy!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Video Slideshow

Hey guys! So this is my first official blog on here... hope I'm doing it right! I don't know exactly how I'm supposed to start so I guess I'll just jump right to it.

My original idea for this blog was to record a song I wrote and put pictures to it-like a slideshow. Unfortunately my webcam disagreed with my idea and did not work very well. So, I took a webcam I bought a long time ago for Skype and hooked it up to the laptop. (It had its own microphone.) It worked much better than the other one but the microphone would not work. For hours I tried to get it to work but it still refused to cooperate. So I was stuck and didn't know what I wanted to do next.

It then occurred to me, I like making videos in general. So at the last minute, I pieced the same photos I was going to use and put them into a slideshow to another song. This song has a lot of background with the people in the pictures because we were going to make a video before I left, and use that song. We tried so many combination of clips with different songs and this song was the one that stood out to us. So, we got together and began filming. Of course, we never finished filming for two reasons. One- I moved (of course,) Two- My computer got "infected" with a virus and shut down permanently.

The original idea was just me and a guitar. But since the song is about friendship, I thought I paste pictures to go with it. I still feel a little guilty for not being able to fix the issue with the microphone, so I've pasted the words down below.

Just so you know, this is not what I plan on doing for my future blogs. I will try to resolve the issue somehow by next weekend and upload a video of me singing either this song, or another one I wrote. So here's the video I made!! I really hope you enjoy. It took me a while to piece it together (I'm a perfectionist), so please let me know what you think! The words to the song are under it.

Verse One
We are extraordinary
Special Unique Amazing
Now it's time to see what we can do
We are two of a kind
Ask anyone at any time
They'll say that when it's me and you
That no matter what we'll always be there for each other
No matter which way we go
So let's go swimming in that vast blue ocean
We'll always find our way back home
Verse Two
We'll always love each other
Even when we hate the other
Cause we know we'll come around somehow
I'll help when you're in need
You'll be there for me when I bleed
Even when we have our ups and downs


You've seen the side of me that no one else can see
I know the things about you that no one else can be
And when you combine it all
We always know we'll never fall
Even when we think we're falling down
